Monday, September 3, 2012

9/3 A Fresh Start

First off, I refuse to believe it's September already. I will be the first to admit I'm ready for leaves changing colors, sweaters and boots, and seasonal flavored coffee drinks, but there's no way it's already that time of year.

On that note, September to me signals time for change. I think it's because it's still drilled into my head that Labor day means time for school to start, which means new everything. New classes, new people to meet, new school supplies (yes, I'm the kid that gets excited over school supply shopping), new clothes. Even after I wasn't in school myself I was coaching and working in retail, both of which operate around a school schedule so it's kept the feeling alive. It's always been a season of things changing, which is why I feel it's fitting that I started my new job this weekend. On a side note, leave it to me to always manage to start a new job on a holiday weekend. Go big or go home, right?

I know I've mentioned it before, and I'm sure it's shown in my posts during my (failed) attempt at BEDA, but I've been stuck in a rut for a while with no signs of a way out. I'm hoping I can at least start moving forward and off of this plateau I've been on for so long. If you don't already follow her, I'd like to direct you to Hayley's blog where she talked about the same kind of feelings in her post today. Another side note, if you're not following Hayley on various social media websites: WHY. Go fix that right now. Here and here, as well as her blog mentioned above.

Can we also talk for a second about how bad I am at getting things done in a timely manner if I don't absolutely have to? Like, give me a deadline for a project at work and I'll have it done before it's due. I've become a master at speed cleaning the house Sunday mornings when my parents are coming home from camping. I can write lengthy essays under ridiculous time crunches. But whenever it's something I'm doing for myself, I just take ages to get it done for no real reason. Example: I've been trying to write this post for about an hour, but I keep finding other things to do. Like painting my nails, or refreshing twitter. I'm also trying to get a video ready to upload tomorrow morning. I have it edited, but because my laptop pretty much ends up being a really expensive brick while I export things I'm getting everything else I can done before I start that process. Makes sense, right? But do I really need to continuously refresh twitter, or lurk a few specific blogs on tumblr, or watch another Mythbusters behind the scenes video on youtube? Probably not. Did I absolutely have to paint my nails even though I did them 2 days ago? No. I definitely could have made it at least 2 more days. Do I REALLY need to keep making this list longer? Nope. But I will, because it means putting off doing something else.

On that note, I think I'm done here for today. I hope you all had a fantastic Labor day! I spent mine working, as I have done every Labor day for the last 6 years. Huzzah.

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