I don't have a clever title for you today. I'm tired. Not just sleepy tired, exhausted tired. It's been a week. And it's only Tuesday hahaha. It's been a long 7 days since my last post, let's go with that. Let's get started, shall we?
Tuesday last week I took Milo to the vet for normal routine things: heartworm test, general check up, etc. Easy, no nonsense, nothing to worry about, just super expensive as always. We set up an appointment to get him neutered for 2/19 (yesterday), and were on our way.
Wednesday I swear I was on the phone literally all day. From the second I woke up I had my phone in my hand and pressed to my ear all day. Doctor's offices, HR department, my mother, setting up job interviews, my boss, Joanns, checking voicemail from telemarketers. Lord. You name it, I had a phone call about it. I. HATE. Talking on the phone. I have horrible social anxiety as it is, and having to make a phone call to anyone other than my mother, The Boy, or my boss is enough to send me into an institution most of the time. I seriously have to rehearse and script out what I'm calling about, have a checklist in front of me of things I want to say, and make sure I'm in a closed room where no one else can hear me. By the time I had everything done I was ready to crawl into bed and cry myself to sleep I was so tired and stressed out.
Thursday I had to run the last bit of my FMLA paperwork up to my surgeon's office to have that signed so I could be released back to work on Sunday (that's a whole 'nother store you need to get ready for in a few paragraphs). Nothing too crazy on Thursday, just a matter of driving up to the hospital and back during the lunch rush. It's fine.
Friday my mother and I went out for a lunch date and to run a few errands. My parents are going on a cruise next week and she, of course, wants to have all fancy new things for it. We went and got our nails done, she got a pedicure and I went all out for a full set of acrylics (I haven't had them in legit 7 or 8 years, I'm fully on the struggle bus here). They look phenomenal, the gel polish is super shiny and I got a glitter overlay on the tips so they're REAL fancy looking. But the guy that did them did a real half ass job on them and I'm not super thrilled. Similar to my haircut experience from last week, I tried to point out the problems I was seeing and he just brushed me off. I told him they were too long for me, he said they would get filed down as he went (they didn't). I told him I didn't like how one hand looks like it's already a week grown out, he said it would look fine once the polish was on (it doesn't). I said I wanted them more almond/stiletto shaped, he flat out ignored me and said the standard roundy square shape "looks better" (personal preference dude, I say I want something and you should do that for me). After that less than thrilling experience we went to a BBQ place that's a favorite for The Boy and I (which is always amazing), then wandered up to the mall so she could get a new travel purse and wallet for the trip. Came home to the news that The Boy's mother was on her way down from up north for the weekend (she stays with her parents so not really an issue) but she was stopping by for a few on her way through town so we had to speed clean the house and make sure it was good to go. She came in for a whopping 5 minutes (no exaggeration), dropped off a box of stuff for The Boy to go through, and was on her way. Great.
Saturday was an adventure. We decided to go to Ikea for new dishes, and that was a huge mistake. The initial plan (which we've been talking about for ages by now) was to just go and get a handful of bowls that match the current set we have. He's had the same set of dishes for 8 years, they're in pretty good shape, we're just down to 5 bowls out of the 12 he started with. OF COURSE, they don't carry the same color any more. Of course. So we picked out a new set (white and shiny, they look super nice) and went on our way. As we're leaving we start heading a different direction than I expect, which I question and he informs me we're going to see his Grandparents and his mom for the afternoon. All fine and dandy, but my poor brain needs to mentally prepare for that. His brother and the brother's girlfriend are also there, we hang out for a bit and then take a quick trip to a local game store for a quick breather and so The Boy could pick out a birthday present for himself. Head back to the Grandparent's, run through the first 2 scenarios of the game (Zombie 15, it's actually really cool once you understand how to get it going), shove a quick dinner in our mouths, say our goodbyes and head home. Sounds like a relaxing afternoon after the Ikea trip, and it really should have been. I love his family to death, but everyone is very hands on especially when there's something new like a game involved and sometimes my poor brain can't handle the questions and the constant arm/head pats and the asking if I need a drink. It was a long 4 hours.
Sunday. Oh man, Sunday. Sunday was my first day back to work and OF COURSE it was a total clusterf*ck. I will never for the life of me understand why President's Day of all the dumb not real holidays is a huge shopping weekend. It starts off with finding out that HR screwed up my start back date so I'm still technically "inactve" in our systems until the 23rd, meaning I wasn't able to log into ANYTHING except our cash registers. And because it's a holiday weekend, everyone at HR is out of the offices until Tuesday (today) so there was nothing anyone could do. The store was a disaster from Saturday night, on top of being busy pretty much all day Sunday as well, and I was just way overwhelmed. By the time 7pm rolled around I was ready to run out of the store. As luck would have it as well, we're still short a key for our deposit drop box and the keys that were left for me were the set that didn't have the drop box key, so I had to swap keys with the opening manager with the promise that I would bring hers back up Monday morning because she needed them Monday night to close.
Monday morning dropped Milo off at the vet bright and early for his surgery, ran the promised keys up to the store, chatted with my boss for about 40 minutes, and came home to just chill out. I was still super on edge from work on Sunday, and as much as I told myself to not worry about Milo I was still internally freaking out because he's my baby and that's what happens. I spent the afternoon keeping myself busy getting new products ready for my Etsy shop, and doing a successful job of annoying The Boy as he had worked from home yesterday. 4pm rolls around and even though they said pickup was at 5pm I headed to the vet to see if I could grab him early. He was ready to go, so I shed a small tear over the ridiculous bill and loaded the very drugged puppy into the car and headed home. It's been almost 10 years since I've had to have a dog fixed (Radar was a rescue so she was already spayed when The Boy brought her home, and he refuses to have Bentley neutered) and while I feel bad they're in pain for a bit it's so damn hilarious watching them try to get it back together as the drugs wear off. It took him most of the night, and now (Tuesday morning) he's pretty much back to normal.
So. That's been my week. I'm off of work again today so I'm just keeping an eye on the puppy and plugging away at the samples for the Etsy shop with Milo tucked in at my feet while I try to figure out what to make for dinner. Now that I have my Pinterest almost 100% organized (seriously, so many lists! I'm in love), I'm on a mission to actually try the recipes I've saved over the years. We had stir fry last night so I think I might stay on the Asian food kick and attempt some kind of dumping/wanton type thing and see how that goes. My friend Kate has started a blog and is working her way through Chrissy Teigen's cookbook and she posted a recipe a few days ago for Crab, Cream Cheese, and Scallion Wontons that sound super tasty so that might be something I try tonight if it's not too hard to get everything together. Which goes completely against the Pinterest statement I just made, but still. It's a good concept in theory.
Have a cone of shame puppy to make your rainy Tuesday a little better.
Becca. 30. Avid book collector and nail polish addict. This is where I'm trying to work through life. I jumped, I fell, I hit the ground but here I am alive.
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I don't have a clever title for you today. I'm tired. Not just sleepy tired, exhausted tired. It's been a week. And it's onl...

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