Friday, November 4, 2016

11/4 It's done.

I've already changed my mind about this year's NaNoWriMo project. If you're surprised you shouldn't be. I should have known from experience that blogging is infinitely harder than noveling, and that's made 20 times worse when you're on a time crunch with a word count to hit.

I decided to pick back up the NaNo I started in 2009, and so far the biggest struggle is keeping my writing style somewhat consistent. Back in the day I actually planned out my writing for NaNoWriMo, and thankfully I still have all of that saved on old hard drives. I have various notes and backgrounds for the characters jotted down, and I actually had an outline saved but looking back on it I definitely didn't even come close to following it the first time so there's no reason to try to stick to it now. A lot has changed in the last 7 years. A LOT. But I can still pretty vividly remember sitting down and writing most of this story, and I can still remember where I left off and where I wanted to go with the story in the near future. There's a lot of plot holes from the first half of it though, and I read back over the whole thing last night trying to prep myself to dive back in and I was visibly cringing nearly the whole time. After the month is over I might go back and try to edit the first half to make a little more sense, keeping in mind what I've already put down for this year's story.

I'm armed at the moment with a (sort of) decent breakfast and a large mug of coffee, with a 3 day weekend ahead of me, and I'm ready to dive into this story head first again. Ask me again in a week how I'm feeling about this though and I'm sure my enthusiasm will be long gone.

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